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Our Safety Page has undergone significant updates aimed at refining the scoring mechanism for driver safety. These updates include:
Weight Adjustments for Event Types: We have fine-tuned the weights assigned to different event types such as AI detection, general incidents, and instances of speeding. This ensures that the system accurately reflects the varying degrees of risk associated with each driving behavior.
Introduction of Rate-Based Scoring System: We have introduced a rate-based system for evaluating safety performance. This means that the frequency at which drivers trigger events, categorized by type, directly influences their overall score. Drivers with a higher rate of events per event type will receive more significant demerits, providing a more nuanced evaluation of their driving behavior
Enhanced Accuracy: These updates lead to a more precise evaluation of driver safety by adjusting weights and implementing a rate-based scoring system.
Improved User Experience: Users now receive clearer feedback on their safety performance, enabling them to make more informed decisions to enhance their driving behavior.
Effective Demerit System: The introduction of a rate-based scoring system ensures that drivers with consistently poor driving habits are appropriately penalized, promoting safer driving practices.